
Showing posts from 2018

C.E. Quiz #6.3

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. c 7. b 8. b and d 9. c 10. d 11. b 12. d 13. b 14. a 15. b

Car Raid

A person’s car can reveal a lot about them. Whether it’s where they go throughout the day, what they eat, or what they bring with them on a daily basis, their car can tell a story about who they are as a person. Emily Shymkiw, a college student at the University of Texas and a dance teacher at LoneStar Austin Dance Studio, has a very busy schedule. “I spend most of my day in my car. I travel a lot from school to dance class, so my car holds a lot of the things I use throughout the day,” said Shymkiw. Shymkiw likes to keep a clean car and uses essential oils and car fresheners to destress. “I like to keep my car clean because it is less stressful and is calming for me. My favorite thing about my car is my car-freshener because I live the smell of it and it has a happy quote on it to keep me in a good mood,” said Shymkiw. When inspecting her car, Shymkiw had a lot of gum containers and coffee cups in her car door. “Coffee is one of the most important parts of my day,”

C.E. #6.2

Short  Answer: 1. How many people can the San Isidro border inspection station hold? Page A1 "U.S. continues to bar caravan About 200 2. Give two reasons that Thomas Homan is stepping down as the action ICE position? Page A4 "Controversial head of immigration agency..." He did this because he was feeling sidelined by his boss and also wanted to spend more time with his family. 3. What is "clubstacking"? Page B1 "Tactic, ideology questioned in Central Texas race "an ethically murky but legal practice by candidates who fill political clubs with their supporters to win endorsements." 4. What type of business gets the greatest fiscal impact from the ACL fest? Page B5 "ACL Fest boosts Austin to the tune of ..." Bars and restaurants 5. How much money did Avengers: Infinity War make this weekend (approximately)? D2 5a) Have you seen it and if you did, did you like it? an estimated $250 million. I have not seen it yet, but I do want to! Long

The Dispatch Issue #5

News Commentary Features Entertainment Athletics Reviews This story was about the recent premier of the movie "Love Simon". And you must read the of the In-Depth page stories (page 8-9). As you read the stories I want you to answer the following questions for EACH story: First:  write a two sentence summary of the story. Second:  answer the following questions: 1. Who was quoted in the story? 2. What quote was the strongest in your opinion? 3. Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? 4. Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? Third: 1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? 1A. Why is this your favorite? 2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? 2A. Why is this your least favorite? 3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics co

Free Write

Down in Edens, Oklahoma, Detective Richard Bates set out to capture his worst enemy; Geoff Wildes, senior manager and co-owner of Dusty's Mattress Warehouse, who has made a living out of buying urn-down businesses to remodel into imitation mattress stores. Although not yet proven true, Bates just knew that there was no way there was a high enough demand to call for four mattress stores in one strip mall. With only his G-Wagon and a Shane Dawson conspiracy video, Bates went off to expose the biggest scandal the city of Edens would ever see. Great motivation brought Bates to head off to capture Wildes, and even greater hunger brought him to his local Starbucks. As he stood in line to wait for his protein box and Pinkity Drinkity, a familiar face stood behind the bar. He couldn't quite place where she was from, but the familiar smell of powdered feathers and metal springs brought him to the conclusion that this was not her only job. As she placed his drink on the counter, the de

Merger Picture


Merger Photo Preview

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Getting the background to align could be a problem, as well as making sure you're not standing in the same spot as before. and not having shadows lining up. 2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus? This picture could be taken in the courtyard, but it would probably be a better idea to take it somewhere where there is less foot traffic, such as the memorial garden or by the weight room. 3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours? Something creative you could do in the photo is jump or get lower to create levels, or only move slightly in order to make it look like you're posing with yourself. You could also spell something out 4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo? You could wear a jacket or a hat so that you can tie

HDR Photography


HDR Preview

1. You will need to manipulate the exposure to a certain number of stops (equally over/underexposed) to create a HDR image 2. You will need a DSLR, a tripod, and a program to combine the photos together. 3. You would want to take a HDR image to make a scene look appealing to the audience, such as a realtor or hotel. 4. You will see more details in the photo with brighter/more intense shades of color with added depth to make it look like you could walk into the picture.

Movie Review

Captain Phillips Movie Review

Final Exam Preview

1. I may reshoot this assignment on May 6, my next competition. 2. I will shoot at a dance competition 3. I will be telling a story about my dance team at a competition 4. I will need a camera, a phone, and maybe a tripod 5. I will video us warming up, take photos of us dancing onstage (the dances I'm not in), and explain what score we got and what that means during awards

CE #6.1

1. 1400 2. mental fatigue is a weakening of mental from repeated use and involves microscopic cracks 3. A $5000 pay raise for all teachers, cost of living adjustments for retirees, removal of a cap on special education enrollment, and creation of a full-day pre-k.  4. McKenzie played all nine positions in one game, which is believed to be the first time that has ever happened at UT. 5. I would want to attend the LBJ Library Block Party and the City Theatre's "As You Like It" because I like plays and the block party is for a good cause and has some fun activities. Long Response 1. 52% of students directly enrolled in college in 2016 2. 65% of students should be enrolling by 2030 3. They are  considerably less likely to earn a degree if students wait. 4. Massachusetts and California 5. Creating an incentive plan for schools to pay them for students who enroll  immediately  Reflection: a. I think that college is pretty important because it sets you up for year

Movie Review Preview

1. Hollywood Reporter 2. David Rooney 3. 8 4. The plot is really cool in this movie and it seems very suspenseful  5. The acting isn't the best and it can get a bit  repetitive 6. " Nor does it deliver psychological complexity, despite Foy's unstinting commitment to a role that often subjects her to unblinking, sweaty closeups of darting-eyed anxiety and corrosive self-doubt. While she plays American with convincing ease, this was a dud choice for Foy's first U.S. film after her breakout attention in  The Crown ." 1. The New York Times 2. Teo Bugbee 3. 6 4. This movie has popular actors and a good story line 5. The movie itself seems a bit basic and the plot is pretty overused for "teen" movies 6. " Under the limp direction of Scott Speer, “Midnight Sun” suffocates its sentimental script, portraying passion without wonder, sacrifice without ecstasy. Charlie professes his devotion with a plastered smile and dead eyes. Katie w

Motion Shoot

Creative Blur One with nature- Channeling her surroundings, freshman Jenny Toran mimics her feathery friends at a bird watching convention.  Running Across Track and field- Freshman Jenny Toran runs across the Bowie courtyard to warm up for her up-coming track meet. Running To Me Happy and she knows it- Jenny Toran jumps for joy after receiving a 95 on her geometry test. Panning Catch me if you can- Freshman Jenny Toran races around the school to shave time off her mile. Toran will be competing for Bowie this weekend for the track meet.

Sports Exploration Activity

1. Sport being researched: Dance 2. Favorite Team: Royal Flux 3. Royal Flux has performed on SYTYCD and at the Dance Awards. There are no top companies due to there being so many styles of dance, but some of the most famous are the American Ballet Theater, New York City Ballet, Royal Ballet, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and LINES ballet. 4-1. Royal Flux placed 1st at Showstopper competition and was an outstanding routine at multiple conventions. 4-2. Royal Flux was invited to perform at World of Dance this year, a prestigious event that is well knows in the dance world. 4-3. Jayce Kalb won best dancer at The Dance Awards this year 5. 3 important rules for dance are to arrive at any performance you do at least an hour and a half before your call time, never miss a rehearsal the week before a competition, and to have all shoes and accessories you will need. There are also a lot of technique rules, but different styles of dance break different rules. 6. petit allegro- small

Motion Preview Assignment

Google Slides

Infographics in Illustrator


C.E. #5.2

Short Answer: 1. about 300,000-400,000 people 2. 1: Who gets to take on gov. Greg Abbott? 2: Has the Bush name gone from Boon to Bane? 3: 18 plus 4 equals 21 3. Millennials are preferring to pay in cash or  using a debit card due to student loans and debt, resulting in a low percentage of credit card owners. 4. The Shape of Water won best picture at the academy awards. 5. Sans will be the first non-alcoholic bar the focuses on health and wellness instead of alcoholic beverages. Long Response: 1. I think that guns should be controlled more strictly because there is no need to have an assault rifle for protection. People should only be needing more "advanced" guns if they are experienced hunters and have had the proper training to own a gun. There should be stricter gun laws to prohibit more dangerous guns because if someone  truly wants to own a gun to protect themselves, then they should have a simpler gun along with training on how o use it and the safety measures

Newspaper Design #2


NP Design #1


Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite newspaper cover was The Gazette because it had a good use of different fonts and sizes, which caught my attention and made me want to read it. 2. My favorite headline from this newspaper was "Family Celebration" because it has a nice picture with a happy family in the Olympics in it. 3. There are 4 stories on the front of the newspaper. 4. All newspapers include a name for the newspaper, pictures, texts, subtitles, borders, and columns. 5. Not all newspapers have ads, lots of pictures, the same format, and subtitles.

CE #5.1

Short Answer: 1. March 24 2. Sunrise Tactical Supply 3. M echanical engineering department and the Cockrell School of Engineering   4. Norway, Germany and Canada 5. Diversity was the heart of success of the movie Black Panther Long Response: 1. The name of the compony that is making the cell phone  pushes   is called  Yondr. 2. Over 600 schools are using Yondr. 3. The concept behind these punches is to provide an escape to cell phone addiction in public places to allow people to focus on connecting with each other more instead of spacing out on their phones. 4. In the San Lorenzo HS, many students noticed immediately that the campus was louder and more active. 5. I think that these pushes would be useful at school and at home because they close off distractions and allow you to focus on what you need to do. 6. I think that people would definitely be upset if Bowie started using these pushes because you need to be able to use your phone in an emergency, but it will reduce

Magazine Covers


Prompt Shoot #3

Cold Electric Purple

Magazine Cover Images


Magazine Cover Preview Assigment

The cover should be attractive and make he audience want to read it, should clearly explain the product, it should have a brand (like People Magazine), and it has to stand out. 1. Yes, formal 2. Yes, formal 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. No 7. Yes, informal 8. Yes, environmental 9. Yes, environmental 10. Yes, formal 11. Yes, formal 12. Yes, formal 13. Yes, formal 14. Yes, formal 16. Yes, formal 17. Yes, formal New York, February 18–25, Spring Fashion "New York’s “Spring Fashion” cover with actress Elle Fanning has artist Will Cotton revisiting Johannes Vermeer’s famous painting “Girl With a Pearl Earring” in pose, expression, and lighting, while Fanning’s Vivienne Westwood–inspired headpiece made of icing and designed by Cotton prepares readers for the stunning “Candy Land” portfolio inside the magazine. Cotton has been using candy in his artwork “as a metaphor for pure pleasure” since the late nineties, and used spring looks as inspiration for New York."

Portraits and Self-Portraits

Portraits *I was trying to create movement in this photo by adjusting the shutter-speed, but it turned out a little more blurry-looking than I expected!  Self-Portraits

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

This photo was taken using F/2.8 aperture. You can tell this because the background is blurry while the bird is in focus. This photo was taken using F/16 aperture. You can tell this because the background is in focus as well as the foreground. 1. We should closely relate aperture to our eyes. 2.The smaller the aperture, the larger the f-stop. The larger the aperture, the smaller the f-stop. 3. The aperture affects the depth of field because the larger the aperture is, then the more focused objects are in the foreground while the smaller the aperture is, the more focused objects are in the background. Shutter Speed This picture was taken using a high shutter speed. You can tell because you cannot see movement in the photo (isn't blurry) This picture was taken using a low shutter speed. You 1. a) high shutter speed     b) high shutter speed     c) high shutter speed     d) medium shutter speed     e) fast shutter speed     f) fast shutt

Portraits and Self-Portraits Intro

1.   Looking off camera –  have your subject focus their attention on something unseen and outside the field of view of your camera. This can create a feeling of candidness and also create a little intrigue and interest as the viewer of the shot wonders what they are looking at. 2.  Experiment with Lighting  Another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way that you light them. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits.  Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful. 3.  A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait. In most cases, the camera will be included in the scene (but this can help make a statement about your enthusiasm for photography). You can use your camera as a prop, and hold it away from your face.  Environmental Portrait I liked this photo because it shows the man workin

Prompt Shoot #2 Final

Courtyard Nature Other Other

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A) I've learned that when you manipulate photos there is a fine line between ethical and nonethical photos. Photoshop is very controversial and can cause many people to be upset about edited photos. Many major publishing companies do not tolerate doctored images at all, and can cause people to lose their jobs. B) The philosophy of photo manipulation for newspaper companies like the Washington Post and New York Times is to provide very strict guidelines for any sort of photoshop. C) I think that it is acceptable to altar an image as long as it does not affect the meaning of an image. I do not think it is ethical to crop somebody's face onto someone else's body because it is hinting that that is their body. I do, however, think that adjusting colors or lighting is acceptable. D) I think that this image is the most unethical because it shows Oprah's head on somebody else's body while stating that it is Oprah. Also, this was published without the consent of eithe

Prompt Shoot #2

Nature  Rule of Photography: Simplicity Courtyard  Rule of Photography: Lines Other Rule of Photography: Framing Other Rule of Photography: Rule of thirds :) She is beauty, she is Grace.