Magazine Cover Preview Assigment

The cover should be attractive and make he audience want to read it, should clearly explain the product, it should have a brand (like People Magazine), and it has to stand out.

1. Yes, formal
2. Yes, formal
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. Yes, informal
8. Yes, environmental
9. Yes, environmental
10. Yes, formal
11. Yes, formal
12. Yes, formal
13. Yes, formal
14. Yes, formal
16. Yes, formal
17. Yes, formal

New York, February 18–25, Spring Fashion
"New York’s “Spring Fashion” cover with actress Elle Fanning has artist Will Cotton revisiting Johannes Vermeer’s famous painting “Girl With a Pearl Earring” in pose, expression, and lighting, while Fanning’s Vivienne Westwood–inspired headpiece made of icing and designed by Cotton prepares readers for the stunning “Candy Land” portfolio inside the magazine. Cotton has been using candy in his artwork “as a metaphor for pure pleasure” since the late nineties, and used spring looks as inspiration for New York."

If I could change anything in this photo, I would probably try to use more colorful flowers or at least some that are a little bit lighter or brighter to contrast with the black background. Something that I really liked about it though was how the flowers look like they're made out of fondant or icing. This was a nice touch because it makes her look innocent or sweet, which adds a great effect to the photo. Her minimal makeup with a bold, candy-colored lip also stands out and makes her look like a painting. The lighting in the photo and the pose she is in also adds an effect because it allows her face to be the main subject of the photo, not just the giant flowers on her head.

Word Count: 131

Image Based
An image based magazine cover uses the formal format for the image and is most commonly used. It will usually have 1 or fewer persons on the cover that will look directly at the camera. Sometimes magazine companies will choose to alter the regular standards of an image based cover, such as not smelling or looking away from the camera, but that all depends on the subject of the issue.

Illustration Based
An illustration based magazine cover was used in the mid 30s of the 20th century and is not commonly used any more. It features a drawing on the cover in order to draw in customers, but nowadays it is more commonly associated with comedy or history.

Type Based
A type based magazine cover features different font or only font to draw readers in. It is not that commonly used, but it is more popular than an illustration based magazine cover. They cause the magazine to use simplicity and also add a dramatic effect to what story the issue of the magazine is focusing on.

Concept Based

A concept based magazine cover features a combination of type, illustration, and image based magazine covers. It is used to show shocking or funny news that draws in customers. This type is also not commonly used, but can be found in business magazines, news weekly magazines, independent magazines, magazines that are supplements to a newspapers and subscription only publications.


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