Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

This photo was taken using F/2.8 aperture. You can tell this because the background is blurry while the bird is in focus.

This photo was taken using F/16 aperture. You can tell this because the background is in focus as well as the foreground.

1. We should closely relate aperture to our eyes.
2.The smaller the aperture, the larger the f-stop. The larger the aperture, the smaller the f-stop.
3. The aperture affects the depth of field because the larger the aperture is, then the more focused objects are in the foreground while the smaller the aperture is, the more focused objects are in the background.

Shutter Speed

This picture was taken using a high shutter speed. You can tell because you cannot see movement in the photo (isn't blurry)

This picture was taken using a low shutter speed. You

1. a) high shutter speed
    b) high shutter speed
    c) high shutter speed
    d) medium shutter speed
    e) fast shutter speed
    f) fast shutter speed

2. a) low shutter speed
    b) low shutter speed
    c) high shutter speed
    d) medium shutter speed 
    e) medium shutter speed
    f) low shutter speed

3. The three settings on your camera are aperture priority, shutter priority, and manual. In aperture priority, you set the aperture lens while the camera automatically sets the shutter speed. In shutter priority, you set the shutter speed while the camera automatically sets the aperture. In manual, you set both manually.
In this image, the photo on the left was taken at ISO 200 while the photo on the right was taken at ISO 3200.

1. An advantage of having a picture with a higher ISO at a basketball game is that you will be able to capture the image in less time that what you would be able to capture it in a lower ISO.
2. You should use a low ISO when there is plenty of light in order to retain quality and clarity.
3. You should use a higher ISO when there is not enough light provided in the image to produce a clear image.
DSLR Camera
The aperture settings for this camera are f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16 and f/22.
The shutter speed setting for this camera are 1sec, 1/60sec, and 1/4000sec.
The ISO settings on this camera are 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800 and 25600.


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