CE #5.1

Short Answer:
1. March 24
2. Sunrise Tactical Supply
3. Mechanical engineering department and the Cockrell School of Engineering 
4. Norway, Germany and Canada
5. Diversity was the heart of success of the movie Black Panther

Long Response:
1. The name of the compony that is making the cell phone pushes  is called Yondr.
2. Over 600 schools are using Yondr.
3. The concept behind these punches is to provide an escape to cell phone addiction in public places to allow people to focus on connecting with each other more instead of spacing out on their phones.
4. In the San Lorenzo HS, many students noticed immediately that the campus was louder and more active.
5. I think that these pushes would be useful at school and at home because they close off distractions and allow you to focus on what you need to do.
6. I think that people would definitely be upset if Bowie started using these pushes because you need to be able to use your phone in an emergency, but it will reduce distractions and allow students to focus more on their schoolwork.
7. I think that people will use cell phones more in the future because they make life easier and let people do less work. I think this will have a negative impact on the world because it will make people lazier and less motivated to complete basic tasks, like grocery shopping or buying clothes.


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