CE #6.1

1. 1400
2. mental fatigue is a weakening of mental from repeated use and involves microscopic cracks
3. A $5000 pay raise for all teachers, cost of living adjustments for retirees, removal of a cap on special education enrollment, and creation of a full-day pre-k. 
4. McKenzie played all nine positions in one game, which is believed to be the first time that has ever happened at UT.
5. I would want to attend the LBJ Library Block Party and the City Theatre's "As You Like It" because I like plays and the block party is for a good cause and has some fun activities.

Long Response
1. 52% of students directly enrolled in college in 2016
2. 65% of students should be enrolling by 2030
3. They are considerably less likely to earn a degree if students wait.
4. Massachusetts and California
5. Creating an incentive plan for schools to pay them for students who enroll immediately 

a. I think that college is pretty important because it sets you up for years to come and opens up doors for better job opportunities. 
b. I do plan to directly enroll into college.
c. This impacts other areas of society by making teens more competitive and more likely to apply for a higher job.
d. I do think that it is possible to have a comfortable life without a degree, but it may not be as expensive or may require family friends to get a good job.
e. I do think that these jobs are important as well, but some of them still require a degree to get there. Although it may not be necessary, having so much competition makes people who do have a higher education more qualified for the position.
f. I have not because I've always wanted to be a physical therapist or nurse of some sort.


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