Movie Review Preview

1. Hollywood Reporter
2. David Rooney
3. 8
4. The plot is really cool in this movie and it seems very suspenseful 
5. The acting isn't the best and it can get a bit repetitive
6. "Nor does it deliver psychological complexity, despite Foy's unstinting commitment to a role that often subjects her to unblinking, sweaty closeups of darting-eyed anxiety and corrosive self-doubt. While she plays American with convincing ease, this was a dud choice for Foy's first U.S. film after her breakout attention in The Crown."

1. The New York Times
2. Teo Bugbee
3. 6
4. This movie has popular actors and a good story line
5. The movie itself seems a bit basic and the plot is pretty overused for "teen" movies
6. "Under the limp direction of Scott Speer, “Midnight Sun” suffocates its sentimental script, portraying passion without wonder, sacrifice without ecstasy. Charlie professes his devotion with a plastered smile and dead eyes. Katie writes love songs that are forgotten the moment she stops singing. Lacking both the romantic chemistry and the directorial panache that might justify its life-or-death stakes, “Midnight Sun” is a medical melodrama in need of resuscitation."

Step 1: Read a movie review from the link provided below

Step 2: Post the headline of the movie review on your blog. Make the headline a sliceable link that takes the readers to the full review on the original Web site where it was published online.

Step 3: Under the headline for the movie review, provide the following information:

1. Name of the publication

2. Name of the writer

3. Grade or score the movie review on a 1-10 scale in your opinion

4. High Points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)

5. Low points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)

6. Quote a paragraph from the review that you think expresses the overall opinion of the reviewer about the movie.


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