C.E. #6.2

Short Answer:
1. How many people can the San Isidro border inspection station hold? Page A1 "U.S. continues to bar caravan
About 200

2. Give two reasons that Thomas Homan is stepping down as the action ICE position? Page A4 "Controversial head of immigration agency..."
He did this because he was feeling sidelined by his boss and also wanted to spend more time with his family.

3. What is "clubstacking"? Page B1 "Tactic, ideology questioned in Central Texas race
"an ethically murky but legal practice by candidates who fill political clubs with their supporters to win endorsements."

4. What type of business gets the greatest fiscal impact from the ACL fest? Page B5 "ACL Fest boosts Austin to the tune of ..."
Bars and restaurants

5. How much money did Avengers: Infinity War make this weekend (approximately)? D2
5a) Have you seen it and if you did, did you like it?
an estimated $250 million. I have not seen it yet, but I do want to!

Long Response:

Read the story on page SC1 "Why more school districts are holding class...."
This story talked about how many schools all over the US are converting to a 4 day schedule. This has many benefits for rural schools, such as attracting more teachers and allowing time for the families to make long trips to the grocery store or basic shopping, but also has many fallbacks. This schedule could lead to the schools losing money, as well as potentially harming the student's quality of education.

2. Some advantages include allowing the families more time to travel extensive trips due to the isolated area and attracting more staff members.
3. Some disadvantages include costing the school more money than it's worth and forcing working parents to hire babysitters when they cannot watch their kids during the normal school day.
4. I would be in favor because it would give me more time to work on my homework and projects.

5. I would have to make sure to focus really hard in school because I would be learning more than what I would usually learn in a day.
6. My parents would probably be in favor of it because my dad works from home and my mom is a stay at home mom.
7. I would deal with longer school days by making sure that I have enough food to keep me full and also maybe start bringing coffee or tea to make sure I stay awake.


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