The Car Accident

This afternoon at 4:45 in Austin, a head-on collision between a 13-year old boy and a 91 year old man with his 67 year old wife resulted in injuries to all involved.

The man, a college professor named John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith, suffered from a serious head injury and was unable to walk or talk at the scene.

"It was horrible," said wife Melba. "He looked so beaten up. My heart couldn't take looking at his sweet little face being all bloodied-up like that."

13 year old student Roger Clementine was treated at the hospital for minor cuts to the face.

"I would've never expected my day would end like this. This is the scariest thing I've ever been through," said Clementine.

Melba only suffered a bloody nose, but was more concerned about her unconscious husband.

"It's so unfair. My sweetie is suffering while all I have are minor bumps and bruises. I was the one who made him go out today! I've never felt so miserable," said Melba.

Clementine was put into jail overnight for underage driving, but was bailed out by his friend Jacob Steel.

"It was my idea for him to come over, it was the least I could do for him," said Steel.

Smith's 1989 Yugo Firebelcher suffered a worse fate; It was completely totaled.

"That little boy will pay for this. This car was a one of a kind! John build these metal scraps from scratch," said Melba. "He used his own two hands, that's more than that imbecile could ever accomplish!"

Clementine was driving his uncle's 1948 Studebaker, which now obtained a crumpled fender.

"I was just driving over to my friends house. My parents are out of town, so I went out for a quick spin to get some experience," said Clementine. "I was literally only going to drive up the street; I had no idea this would happen."


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