Dispatch News Evaluation

AISD Bond may bring major benefits

Who: Bowie High School
What: AISD may receive a large bond
When: November 7, 2017
Where: Austin, Texas Bowie High School
Why: To improve the facility by adding a new parking garage, improving the AC, computers and renovations to the fine arts hall and athletics facility
How: Voting

In order to improve the well being of all schools in Austin, AISD has set aside a bond that will be worth over $1 billion for the schools. Bowie just turned 30 and with little remodeling and reconstruction, is now placed 11th in line for the schools in most critical condition.
Although this would help better the average school day for the students at Bowie and all over Austin, the school board and the people of Austin must vote on weather or not to pass this bond.

Principal Mark Robinson- Direct quote
Dr. Paul Cruz- Direct quote
Matais Segura- Direct quote
Brianan Garcia- Direct quote

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. yes

New principal makes individuals and their needs a priority

Who: Principal Mark Robinson
What: prioritizes the needs of hi students
When: this 2017-2018 school year
Where: Bowie High School
Why: to create long term plans for Bowie
How: by working with staff and students

Bowie High School has received a new principal for the 2017-2018 school year, and he's ready to make some changes. New principal Mark Robinson has made a promise to himself to improve Bowie to be the best school it can be. His goals are giving and focused on bettering the lives of Bowie students by focusing on electronic distribution, a better communication system, pushing the bond and the well being of students.

Mark Robinson- direct quote

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. yes

Technology due to arrive in January

Who: students
What: will be receiving chromebooks
When: fall semester of the 2017-2018 school year
Where: Bowie High School
Why: to provide every student with technology
How: giving every student at Bowie access to computers

Starting in January, students at Bowie High School will be receiving chromebooks in order to expose more people to the growing demand of technology. This will allow more students to be involved in the electronic community ad will even out the playing field for students who cannot afford a laptop. Although there are many benefits to this new cause, some students are worried about the responsibility involved with owning a school issued electronic.

Junior Noelle Parker- direct quote
Teacher Michael Evans- direct quote
Junior Allie Grooms- direct quote
Bowie teacher, not named- indirect quote

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. yes

New bulldog logo soon to be created due to trademark issue

Who: Bowie High School and Gonzaga University
What: threatened to sue Bowie
When: current:
Where: at Gonzaga University
Why: same logo
How: potential lawsuit

Bowie was threatened by Gonzaga University that if they do not change their logo from the iconic bulldog that they run the risk of being sued by the university. This will majorly effect the football team and other athletic activities because this means that the uniforms will have to be changed, and due to it being in the middle of football season, they might not have enough time to do so. Although many will be sad to say goodbye to the dearly loved bulldog, many are also excited to have the opportunity to create an original logo to represent Bowie.

Gonzaga University- indirect quote
Coach Ty Branyon- direct quote
Sophomore Ibrahim Abdulijabbar- direct quote
Sophomore Alex Paulson- direct quote

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. yes, but they should have used the current bulldog logo instead of just a basic bowie "B".

SEL teaches students life skills

Who: Sel
What: Teaches students important life skills
When: current
Where: Bowie High School
Why: for student's success
How: by teaching students how to manage their own emotions and understanding other's

Social and Emotional Learning, SEL, focuses on how to teach students to manage their emotions and understand other's as well.  Students need to learn this because it can allow students to interact with others effectively and without hurting anyone's feelings. They believe that doing this can allow students to be the most successful in their learning and social environments.

freshman Sydney Johnson- Direct quote
Child development teacher Jean Frazier- Direct quote

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. none

Robinson's first year focuses on arranging students' needs to come first

Who: Principal Mark Robinson
What: plans on putting student's needs first
When: 3-5 years
Where: Bowie High School
Why: better communication
How: morning announcements, Bowie Star, etc.

In the upcoming years at Bowie, Principal Mark Robinson plans on making some big changes. One of his main goals is to have better communication with the school to connect Bowie's many student. He does this by having the Bowie Star for the parents and very detailed announcements in the morning to inform students of upcoming events and students who have made a big accomplishment at this school.

teacher Kelly Flickinger- Direct quote
senior Emily Robinette- Direct quote
principal Mark Robinson- Direct quote

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. none

Administration revises the incentive plan

Who: bowie administration
What: updates incentive plan
When: current
Where: Bowie High School
Why: to give students a reason to avoid absences
How: by bribing students with certificates to opt out of 6 weeks test

After facing many problems with student attendance, Bowie administration has come up with a plan to convince students to keep up their attendance. If students are able to have no more than 12 total class period absences with no more than 3 in a single class, then they will receive 1 certificate to exempt them from the 6 weeks test. If students are able able to keep their absences at 8 or less total class period absences with no more than 2 in a single class, they will receive 2 certificates. This plan has already started to show an increase in attendance and lower-classmen students are loving the new plan.

school improvement facilitator Ruth Ann Widner- direct
junior Emily Leeke- direct
freshman Shikha Patel- direct
senior Emily Robinette- direct

4. no opinions
5. it does
6. yes

Bowie organizations soar to new heights with drones on campus

Who: Bowie HS
What: purchased drones
When: current/future 2020
Where: Bowie HS Austin TX
Why: to improve curriculum
How: incorporating them into football and regular classes

Bowie High has begun to start incorporating drone use into their everyday classes, such as photography and football. Teachers believe that exposing students to drones will help them get to learn how  to shoot better photos using a drone or reviewing their technique in practice. Students and teachers have started to fundraise in order to raise money to provide drones to the school.

teacher Chanel Dorbrzenski- direct
teacher Andrew Nourse- direct
junior Nick Moczygemba- direct
sophomore Luke Leifker- direct

4. no
5. it does
6. yes


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