Free Write

A Very Bad Encounter

She opened her bedroom door, and to her horror a giant foot wiggled it's toes through her window. Avery shuddered as the yellow nails sickled and flexed toward her. She slammed the door and raced downstairs to escape through the back door.

As she made her way down the carpeted steps of her stairs, her foot landed ever so slightly on the tail of her cat. With a deep fury, Ellie Belly flew through the air and knocked Avery down the stairs. For a slight moment, fear struck through Avery as her whole world went black. She played there for what felt like hours before a dense object struck her in the back of the head.

As she slowly regained consciousness, she looked down at a Chaco laying next to her. She gagged at the thought of a too-small toe strap, but was interrupted by the screeching of her older sister above her.

"Are you thick, Avery?!" yells Noa. Avery rolls her eyes so hard her head hurts, but that might just be from the shoe. She limps her way past the dreadful stairs in hopes of escaping to the sweet outdoors. She almost makes it, but the delicious smell of cheese distracts her. What she sees is terrifying.

Laying on the counter rests a small bowl of fresh quest. To her disgust, Avery notices soggy chips completely submerged in the savory sauce. What person in their right mind doesn't know the perfect soggy-to-crunch ratio? She turns her head from this disaster, but finds something much worse.

A freshly brewed cup of mocha coffee calls her name with the sweet scent of chocolate and coffee beans. Delighted by some good news, Avery sips down the creamy caffeine. Pain-stricken and afraid, she realizes the beverage was decaffeinated. Sick and tired, she throws the mug at the wall and finally storms her way to the back door.

Done with all her hardships of the day, Avery rips the door open, only to find her great dane Kerbey desperately trying to give her a hug. He pounces up onto her and knocks her off her feet flat on her back.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Her eyes fling open as the light shines in through her curtains. To her right, Kerbey sleeps peacefully in his personal bed. Confused, Avery checks her hands to see if she is really awake, but freezes as a tap... tap... tap... comes from her window.

Word Count: 405


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