C.E. #4.1

Short Answer:

1. Round Rock
2. I think that this cartoon is about how many times Trump and the North Korean President have argued with each other. The president of North Korea has said some pretty big threats to America, but Trump's trash talk back to him  has made him a bigger "loud-mouth", hints the bigger button.
3. Ellen Troxclair, Shane Sexton, Bobby Levinski, and Kathie Tovo.
4. Sabrina Bianco, Avery McKenzie, Caitlin Godwin, Keara McGraw, Emily Swift, Kandace Blackburn, and Kyndall Johnson were honored.
5. I would like to own the BOSE bluetooth speaker the most because I love to listen to music and it is really helpful at dance competitions to have a speaker with you..

Long Response:

1. Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff is the title of a recent book published, in spite of Trump's wishes.
2. Trump and his lawyer are demanding to the book release to halt due to content that has "nothing to do with" Trump's presidency and what they believe to be false claims.
3. I do not believe that Trump should be able to stop a book from being released just because he doesn't like it. I think that him getting so upset by this book has not only worsened his case, but has raised more suspicion to the novel than there already was.
4. Books are different from newspapers and magazines because there can be much more leeway for opinions and beliefs. Books are meant to publish the author's thoughts and ideas while newspapers are trying to make the whole company look good, and that can't always be achieved if there is a controversial article included.
5. I don't think an author should be required to follow the same requirements as a newspaper reporter because then there would be so much less variety in literature. When I am in the mood to read an article I will, but sometimes being able to just read what other's thoughts are are interesting to me.
6.  I would definitely be interested in reading this book. Trump's overreaction makes me want to know what he's so sensitive about and what he's trying to hide. If Trump didn't try to hide his mistakes and try to act like they never happened, this book would probably not have received nearly as much attention as it will now. I am excited for it to be released and what people will think about it.
7. My dad would love to read this book because he is always updating my family on the latest thing Trump tweeted or posted. He thinks that Trump acts childish and immature, but does applaud him on his success, so reading a book that has all of this included would be really interesting for him.

The past few days much of the political conversation in the United States has been centered around a book debuting today about President Donald Trump written by Michael Wolff. Read the story on page A1 "Trump's Lawyer demands halt to new tell-all book" and then answer the following questions:

1. What is the book's title?
2. Why does the lawyer, and Trump, want the book's sales halted?
3. Do you think a president should be able to halt a book's production and distribution?
4. Is a book different from a newspaper/magazine? In what ways?
5. Should a book author be required to follow the same requirements of a newspaper reporter?
6. Would you be interested in reading this book?
7. Do you think anyone in your family might read it? If so, who and why?


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