
Showing posts from January, 2018

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

This photo was taken using F/2.8 aperture. You can tell this because the background is blurry while the bird is in focus. This photo was taken using F/16 aperture. You can tell this because the background is in focus as well as the foreground. 1. We should closely relate aperture to our eyes. 2.The smaller the aperture, the larger the f-stop. The larger the aperture, the smaller the f-stop. 3. The aperture affects the depth of field because the larger the aperture is, then the more focused objects are in the foreground while the smaller the aperture is, the more focused objects are in the background. Shutter Speed This picture was taken using a high shutter speed. You can tell because you cannot see movement in the photo (isn't blurry) This picture was taken using a low shutter speed. You 1. a) high shutter speed     b) high shutter speed     c) high shutter speed     d) medium shutter speed     e) fast shutter speed     f) fast shutt

Portraits and Self-Portraits Intro

1.   Looking off camera –  have your subject focus their attention on something unseen and outside the field of view of your camera. This can create a feeling of candidness and also create a little intrigue and interest as the viewer of the shot wonders what they are looking at. 2.  Experiment with Lighting  Another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way that you light them. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits.  Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful. 3.  A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait. In most cases, the camera will be included in the scene (but this can help make a statement about your enthusiasm for photography). You can use your camera as a prop, and hold it away from your face.  Environmental Portrait I liked this photo because it shows the man workin

Prompt Shoot #2 Final

Courtyard Nature Other Other

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A) I've learned that when you manipulate photos there is a fine line between ethical and nonethical photos. Photoshop is very controversial and can cause many people to be upset about edited photos. Many major publishing companies do not tolerate doctored images at all, and can cause people to lose their jobs. B) The philosophy of photo manipulation for newspaper companies like the Washington Post and New York Times is to provide very strict guidelines for any sort of photoshop. C) I think that it is acceptable to altar an image as long as it does not affect the meaning of an image. I do not think it is ethical to crop somebody's face onto someone else's body because it is hinting that that is their body. I do, however, think that adjusting colors or lighting is acceptable. D) I think that this image is the most unethical because it shows Oprah's head on somebody else's body while stating that it is Oprah. Also, this was published without the consent of eithe

Prompt Shoot #2

Nature  Rule of Photography: Simplicity Courtyard  Rule of Photography: Lines Other Rule of Photography: Framing Other Rule of Photography: Rule of thirds :) She is beauty, she is Grace.

CE 4.1

Short Response: 1. Steve Adler raised more that $1 million in 2014 2. 20,000 jobs 3. Bitcoin and Ethereum 4.  Butler Shores Metropolitan Park, Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park and McKalla Place 5. Dindr is a dating up hat sets up dinner with a date to track you likes and common interests Long Response: 1) This article was about how child stars are being deprived of their freedoms and are being forced to grow up too fast. It went into the lives of Stranger Things stars Finn Wolfhard and Milly Brown and how  they are constantly attacked by the media and fans. 2) With being a child actor comes many responsibilities, as well as many disadvantages. The stars are forced to perform for a crowd at all times and are sometimes even forced by their parents to star in shows and movies. 3/4) I have watched Stranger Things and absolutely loved it. It is my favorite show to "binge" and is so funny with hints of horror. The whole cast is great and are amazing actors/actresses for b

Photography Composition

Simplicity I chose this picture for simplicity because the background of the photo is monotone and plain, which makes the flag and what looks like a firetruck ladder stand out more in the picture. Also, the way the flag is still standing is powerful because it shows that even though we had just faced a huge tragedy, we are still standing. Rule of Thirds I chose this photo for rule of thirds because the man is standing in the corner of the photo and is not on center. This is effective because his arm extends to the center of the photo with a sign, which draws more attention to the sign. Lines This picture shows lines because the vertical lines on the building draw your eye up towards the explosion. This is important because the crash is what the photographer wants you to focus on, not the building's structure. Balance This picture shows balance because the man on the left balances out with the tall building on the right. This is effective in the photo becau

C.E. #4.1

Short Answer: 1. Round Rock 2. I think that this cartoon is about how many times Trump and the North Korean President have argued with each other. The president of North Korea has said some pretty big threats to America, but Trump's trash talk back to him  has made him a bigger "loud-mouth", hints the bigger button. 3. Ellen Troxclair, Shane Sexton, Bobby Levinski, and Kathie Tovo. 4. Sabrina Bianco, Avery McKenzie, Caitlin Godwin, Keara McGraw, Emily Swift, Kandace Blackburn, and Kyndall Johnson were honored. 5. I would like to own the BOSE bluetooth speaker the most because I love to listen to music and it is really helpful at dance competitions to have a speaker with you.. Long Response: 1. Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House  by Michael Wolff is the title of a recent book published, in spite of Trump's wishes. 2. Trump and his lawyer are demanding to the book release to halt due to content that has "nothing to do with" Trump's pr

Welcome Back to 2018

 I chose this picture because I thought it was fun to see how others enjoyed the eclipse, just like I did. The photographer did a great job on getting everyone in the picture and balancing the image.  I chose this picture because I think that being able to see what people were really going through is important. You can always agree that something is bad just by reading an article about it, but the most powerful stories include images of the event to allow the reader to fully comprehend what they just found out. I chose this picture because it is really creative and technically strong. I thought it was cool how the photographer edited out the trees on the opposite side of the road, but still left a watermark. The optical illusion created is interesting and makes me want to keep staring at the photo. 1. My favorite song released last year was by my favorite dancer Tate McRae, Hard To Find. I mostly liked this song because I've watched her videos for a long time, and se