The Lede and SoM Story

Last Monday, September 18, 2017, 9th grader Austin Civatte was announced the student of the month for being incredibly academic, great attendance, amazing participation and helping the school have a great attitude.

Austin has worked very hard to earn student of the month.

"I'm a very kind human being. I've spread my philosophies of kindness and respect around the school," said Civatte.

Austin has used his great talents to better the school.

"I've done some very big projects around the school. I've built some gardens and improved the living quality of the school. I'm worth it," said Austin.

Austin is very involved in student activities.

"I participate in this really cool club called the Chicken Cult Club," said Civatte. "We worship our Lord and Savior Chicken Thomas."

Civatte has some helpful tips for the students of Bowie High School.

"You should never disrespect your teacher because she gets paid too little to deal with that. They work hard and they're amazing, so treat them with respect," said Civatte.

Civatte is a strong believer in studying.

"There is never a time in my life where I have not studied. All work, no play. Even when I play I study. Study all the subjects," said Civatte.

Many teachers enjoy Civatte's company in class, along with his determined attitude, even when he jokes around.

"My favorite story about Austin was when he forgot to do his homework and blamed it on his cat chewing it up," said english teacher Angela Jefferson.

As many people know, getting into a productive mood can take some prepping.

"I've gotta have my positive tunes. My Taylor Swift. My Beyonce," said Civatte. "I try to embrace my inner Beyonce everyday. Don't we all have a little inner Beyonce?"

Many people enjoy Civatte's entertaining attitude, which makes him different from others.

"Austin is different from other students because he always tries his best at everything he does," said friend Carli Vinciguerra.

Although Civatte comes off as happy all the time, life for him is not as easy as it seems.

"Lunch time (is the hardest). Despite being student of the month, I have no friends. I live a lonely life, like Batman. I eat by the dumpsters," said Civatte.

Even though life gets tough, Civatte has a hopeful future.

"I want to become a professional clothing designer because I dream of runway fashion and modeling," said Civatte.


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