Student of the Month Interview

As well as interviewing the student, you could also interview their teachers and friends.

I interviewed Austin Civatte

1. Why do you think you deserve to be student of the month?
"I've done some very big projects around the school. I've built some gardens and improved the living quality of the school. I'm worth it."

2. What have you done to earn this?
"Im a very kind human being. I've spread my philosophies of kindness and respect around the school."

3. What is your daily school routine?
"I've gotta have my positive tunes. My Taylor Swift. My Beyonce. I try to embrace my inner Beyonce everyday. Don't we all have a little inner Beyonce?"

4. How often do you study?
"There is never a time in my life where I have not studied. All work, no play. Even when I play I study. Study all the subjects."

5. Why do you think it is important to study?
"If you don't study, then you fail. If you fail, then you don't go to college. If you don't go to college then you're homeless."
6. Who has helped you become student of the month?
"I'd like to thank the academy. Also my mother. She has pushed me in so many ways with hard work and has helped me become a better person."

7. What is the hardest thing you have to do for school? How do you push through it?
"Lunch time. Despite being student of the month, I have no friends. I live a lonely life, like Batman. I eat by the dumpsters."

8. What are your goals?
"I want to become a professional clothing designer because I dream of runway fashion and modeling."

9. What is your favorite class? Why?

10. What is your least favorite class? Why?

11. What helps you do homework?

12. Do you use electronics while doing homework? (Watching T.V., listening to music, etc.)

13. What was the hardest thing about becoming student of the month?

14. How do you think people would describe you?

15.  What extracurricular activities do you do outside of school?
"I participate in this really cool club called the Chicken Cult Club. We worship our Lord and Savior Chicken Thomas."

16. Are you involved in any clubs or sports at school?

17. What is the best tip that you've learned over the years for school?

18. Who's your favorite teacher? Why?

19. What is the #1 thing that you should never do for school? (Procrastinate, not sleep, etc.)
"You should never disrespect your teachers. They get paid too little to deal with that. They work so hard and they're amazing."

20. What classes do you take? Are there any you regret taking?


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