C.E. #1.4

1. Senators Susan Collins, John McCain, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz
2. 1969
3. A skimmer is a small device that can be put inside a card reader to steal credit card information.
4. They are raising their minimum wage in order to hire more employees to give their customers the best shopping experience.
5. Robert Baden-Powell

Long Response:
1. I've heard of this topic before in news articles and around my house.
2. I do not think that NFL players should be required to stand for the national anthem because it is their right to peacefully protest, especially right now when there is so much hate in our country. It is not illegal for them to kneel, so why is it so bad? Taking a kneel is widely known as a symbol of respect. When players in football are injured, the team naturally takes a need to show their respect and hope they are okay. What is wrong with them doing this for America when they believe it is injured and hope it will get better?
3. I think that it is less acceptable to not participate in the anthem at all because it is disrespectful, but it is their right to protest. It is not harming anyone to do so, but it is a little bit rude. On the other hand, Trump has been completely unacceptable with handling this situation, so I do not think that the players are more wrong than he is (not that this is how you judge a problem).
4. I do not think that it was acceptable for the President of the United States to address an issue through a social media platform. It is childish for him to do so and makes him seem ignorant and irresponsible.
5. I do think that race plays a role in this topic because Trump has seemingly turned his head away from the white supremacy movements and has even received a "thank you" from their leader. Again, I do not think that it was wrong for the players to kneel during the anthem to show respect and Trump becoming so defensive when questioned about racism is sketchy.
6. I do not know of Colin Kaepernick, other than that he started this protest. I can only assume that he is doing this for in order to better his country, not out of hate.


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