
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Big Day

The story is about a man who races to a chapel on a girl's wedding day to stop the marriage. The girl seems to be waiting for him as he speeds through traffic in order to make it to her before it is too late. Right before they say their "I do's", he runs in just in time to stop it. Notes: Who: The guy who is driving the car, bride, bridesmaids, other man (father), priest, groom What: the driver is going fast, gripping wheel, marriage ceremony, interrupts wedding When: current Where: A long twisted road, forrest, middle of nowhere, beach, bridge, mountains, city, church Why: The driver was driving in order to stop the wedding How: by speeding over in his new car Other: Driver seems anxious, bride seems happy, other man is older, he's the brides father, bride is nervous, driver checks his clock, father checks his clock (ooooh??), bride is looking for something/one, wife sees man, heavy breathing Interviews: Driver: What is your name? "My na

C.E. #1.4

1. Senators Susan Collins, John McCain, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz 2. 1969 3. A skimmer is a small device that can be put inside a card reader to steal credit card information. 4. They are raising their minimum wage in order to hire more employees to give their customers the best shopping experience. 5. Robert Baden-Powell Long Response: 1. I've heard of this topic before in news articles and around my house. 2. I do not think that NFL players should be required to stand for the national anthem because it is their right to peacefully protest, especially right now when there is so much hate in our country. It is not illegal for them to kneel, so why is it so bad? Taking a kneel is widely known as a symbol of respect. When players in football are injured, the team naturally takes a need to show their respect and hope they are okay. What is wrong with them doing this for America when they believe it is injured and hope it will get better? 3. I think that it is less acceptable to

The Lede and SoM Story

Last Monday, September 18, 2017, 9th grader Austin Civatte was announced the student of the month for being incredibly academic, great attendance, amazing participation and helping the school have a great attitude. Austin has worked very hard to earn student of the month. "I'm a very kind human being. I've spread my philosophies of kindness and respect around the school," said Civatte. Austin has used his great talents to better the school. "I've done some very big projects around the school. I've built some gardens and improved the living quality of the school. I'm worth it," said Austin. Austin is very involved in student activities. "I participate in this really cool club called the Chicken Cult Club," said Civatte. "We worship our Lord and Savior Chicken Thomas." Civatte has some helpful tips for the students of Bowie High School. "You should never disrespect your teacher because she gets paid too litt

Stories of the Century

In 1920, women were finally given the right to vote after a 70 year battle against inequality. Lead by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Susan B. Anthony, the feminists finally won their fight. Women received the right to vote through the passing of the 19th amendment on August 18, 1920. I think this event was important to the 1900's because it finally gave women a leg up on the feminist movement. Without this event, women would have never been able to get to where we are today. This was just the beginning of equality and gave hope to the women fighting for their rights. In 1954, the Brown V. Board of Education case was ruled in favor of integrating schools in order to forbid segregation. Many schools, mostly southern, tried to play it off that their "separate but equal" schools were not permitting segregation, even though they ignored schools of color. This was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, and sparked the civil rights movement to kee

Inverted Pyramid


Additional Student of the Month Interviews

Teacher 1. Who are you? I am Ms. Jeffery and I teach 9th grade algebra 1. 2. How do you know Austin? Austin is a student in my 4th period class. 3. How is Austin different from other students? Austin is different from other students because he is always looking for a way to participate in class and make others laugh. 4. How would you describe Austin? I would describe Austin as hardworking, dedicated, and unique. 5. What is your favorite story about Austin? My favorite story about Austin was when he forgot to do his homework and blamed it on his cat chewing it up. Friend 1. Who are you? My name is Carli V. and I'm one of Austin's friends. 2. How do you know Austin? I know Austin from drama club in middle school. We both starred in many of the plays and got to know each other during rehearsal. 3. How is Austin different from other students? Austin is different from other students because he always tries his best at everything he does. 4. How would you describe

Important People In Journalism

Important People In Journalism

Student of the Month Interview

As well as interviewing the student, you could also interview their teachers and friends. I interviewed Austin Civatte 1. Why do you think you deserve to be student of the month? "I've done some very big projects around the school. I've built some gardens and improved the living quality of the school. I'm worth it." 2. What have you done to earn this? "Im a very kind human being. I've spread my philosophies of kindness and respect around the school." 3. What is your daily school routine? "I've gotta have my positive tunes. My Taylor Swift. My Beyonce. I try to embrace my inner Beyonce everyday. Don't we all have a little inner Beyonce?" 4. How often do you study? "There is never a time in my life where I have not studied. All work, no play. Even when I play I study. Study all the subjects." 5. Why do you think it is important to study? "If you don't study, then you fail. If you fail, then you don&

Interviewing Basics

Topic 1: School Uniform You could interview the principal, a student who strongly agrees with the dress code change, a student who strongly disagrees with the dress code change, and a concerned parent. Good Questions to Ask 1. Why do you think the school is enforcing a stricter dress code? 2. What is your personal opinion about the uniform change? 3. What do you think will improve by wearing uniforms? 4. Do you think that uniforms are flawed? How so? 5. If you could change the dress code, what would you do? 6. Do you agree with these changes? Why? 7. Do you think students will respond well to these changes? 8. Have you ever been dress coded? What were you wearing? 9. Have you witnessed people being dress coded unreasonably? What for? 10. Have you witnessed people ignoring the dress code? How? 11. Do you believe the dress code is biased? How? 12. Do you think students are judged by their clothes? Why? 13. Have you ever been judged by your clothes? When? 1

Current Events Quiz #1.3

1. 7,000 members 2. He decided to donate $25 million because of all of his good experiences with social workers throughout his life. 3. The current curfew is from 11pm to 6am. 4. They raised more than $2,000 5. I would like to see "IT" because I love scary movies and I've been waiting for it to come out for awhile now. Long Response 1. It was so interesting that Mr. Trump made a deal without the support of the rest of his party because it would've been the first time he disagreed with them during his presidency. This is unusual because he takes pride in his own party, and being able to disagree with them so quickly was weird. 2. I think that Mr. Trump was motivated by needing to give the republicans a win that they very much needed in order to get on the republicans side. Many people are upset about him seeming to ignore all other ideas but his own, but now it looks like he can be open to more options. 3. I think that the GOP leaders think that Mr. Trump is u