Curent Events Quiz #1

1. Nelva Gonzales Ramos
2. USS John S. McCain
3. They were exposed to carbon monoxide in vehicles
4. about 50 million people
5. I would want to make my own chocolate because i would make a minty dark chocolate flavor, similar to junior mints.

Long response:
1.After a protest gone bad, resulting in many deaths, police covered a statue that presented General Robert E. Lee riding on horse back to mourn. Many people cheered as the statue was covered, but others attempted to reopen the statue.
2.I believe that it was appropriate for the statue to be covered after this hate crime, but I also believe that this specific statue should not be displayed. The confederacy was created out of hate, and I do not think that should be celebrated. However, simply removing the statue would be denying history. I believe that the statue should be placed in a museum instead of being displayed because this is historic event is very a very touchy subject.
3. I think that it was acceptable for UT to remove the statues as long as they're replaced into a historic site because, once again, this event was historic and should not be forgotten, but also should not be celebrated.
4. I think that these statues should be only visible in history sites or museums, unless they're representing abolishing slavery.
5. I have discussed this at home with my parents.


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