C.E. #1.2

1. 110,000 refugees
2. 2 slides and a rope swing
3. Amazon
4. Brevity and WritePad
5. I haven't been to any of these record stores, but I think I've seen some of them before, like Exploded Records next to JuiceLand.

Today I want to reflect upon Hurricane Harvey and its destruction of the Texas coast:
1. My sister was slightly affected by Hurricane Harvey because she lives on campus in San Marcos. Due to it being so hilly, many places get flooded pretty quickly down there. She just had to come stay at our house for a day or two while it subsided, but school was cancelled on Monday for her.
2. If there were to be a major storm to impact my home I would immediately go stay with my relatives. I would also make sure that, if it were to come to it, I could stay there for an extended period of time. That way I would have shelter even if my home were to be destroyed.
3. I think that the state and government  should be responsible for fixing damaged roads, electricity, and clearing the streets of debris. If possible, it would be nice for homes to be restored too, but I think that would be a long process to go through.
4. I think that insurance companies should be responsible for fixing private properties and businesses. This is because people pay to be protected, and most of the time they pay for it even though nothing bad has happened to them. Now that this catastrophe has happened, it's time for them to fix the damage.
5. I do think that climate change played a role in this hurricane because it has been getting warmer, which is perfect weather for a hurricane.


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