The Man Who Played the Violin

1. I think that in today's society that people do perceive beauty, but in their own unique ways. While some people may find beauty in gardens or flowers, others may think that punk rock is truly beautiful.  Everyone has their own tastes in life, which reflects what we find beautiful or not. Finding theirselves in a situation where they are busy or unavailable might affect what they perceive as beautiful because they may not be as focused on their surroundings as they should be.

2. Beauty is not always appreciated in today's society because people can find it so often. Our culture and lifestyles are completely different today than they were in the 1800's. Nowadays, if people want to listen to classical music they can look it up on youtube or any app that supports music. Back then, music was appreciated a lot more because it was a delicacy. Not everyone cold go out and listen to whatever they wanted to on a whim because concerts were expensive and did not occur whenever they wanted them to.

3. I think that people do recognize when others have talent, but may not stop to appreciate it. If I was running late for something and happened to pass by a singer, I may think to myself that they are amazing, but not necessarily stop to enjoy their performance. This does not mean that I was unable to see that they are talented, just that I was unable to fully enjoy their talent.

4. If we do not have a moment to spare on one of the world's greatest musicians, I assume that we are missing out on a ton of life's gifts. If I am in a hurry, I may miss many beautiful things because I am not conscious of my surroundings. If we all take a moment to not stress out so much or worry about what we cannot control, then who knows what beauties we could endure.


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