Movie Review Preview
1. Hollywood Reporter 2. David Rooney 3. 8 4. The plot is really cool in this movie and it seems very suspenseful 5. The acting isn't the best and it can get a bit repetitive 6. " Nor does it deliver psychological complexity, despite Foy's unstinting commitment to a role that often subjects her to unblinking, sweaty closeups of darting-eyed anxiety and corrosive self-doubt. While she plays American with convincing ease, this was a dud choice for Foy's first U.S. film after her breakout attention in The Crown ." 1. The New York Times 2. Teo Bugbee 3. 6 4. This movie has popular actors and a good story line 5. The movie itself seems a bit basic and the plot is pretty overused for "teen" movies 6. " Under the limp direction of Scott Speer, “Midnight Sun” suffocates its sentimental script, portraying passion without wonder, sacrifice without ecstasy. Charlie professes his devotion with a plastered smile and dead eyes. Katie w...